About Us
Our Story
During the pandemic, Emma (my step-daughter & sidekick) and I wanted to learn how to make masks, help out and donate them to people in need in our neighborhood. We tapped into our community for sewing lessons (virtual, of course), for equipment, and for left over fabrics and tried our best.

We also had to navigate home schooling and the stresses associated with it—especially the anxiety around sitting in front of a screen all day.
Emma always had 2 things on hand for managing her stress; scrunchies for keeping her hair up and out of the way & fidgeting with squishy things. We thought to ourselves, "Wouldn't it be cool if the two had babies?”. So, we deployed our new found knowledge of sewing, scraped together all the little pieces and parts we needed and created the Squishable Scrunchie!
Our Mission
Now we are on a mission dedicated to designing joyful and functional sensory accessories that demystify what it means to need sensory support & to reimagine how fidgets can evolve to become elevated, fashionable wellness accessories that inspire confidence, independence and joy in growing kids, teens & adults.